Hart's Awesomely Delicious Baked French Toast


So I, Hart, am not much of a cook. I can grill. I can cook basic things. And I've been known to cook some fancier things when I'm given the recipe. But when it comes to making "fancy" stuff on a regular basis...no...that's not really my forte. But I do have one thing I make that is "fancy" that I make. And so I figured since Vanessa shares her recipes here a lot, I'll share my one good one with y'all.

Hart's Awesomely Delicious Baked French Toast

Now I can't claim this recipe as my own. I got the initial idea from a cook book we have (Southern Living Comfort Food). But I have adapted this recipe and made it better than just good...I've made it awesomely delicious.

Here's the ingredients:
(This makes 4 slices)
  • 4 large eggs
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 4 slices of bread
  • warm maple syrup
(the following are optional...but definitely will enhance this meal)
  • powdered cinnamon
  • sliced almonds (or crushed pecans)
  • powdered sugar
What to do:
  1. Whisk together the eggs. Then mix in the milk and vanilla extract. You want this really liquidy, so mix it well.
  2. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. (UPDATE 4/11/11 - V told me that her mom tried this recipe and said her's turned out too crispy. So you may need to it to be a little cooler.)
  3. Grease a cooking pan with butter or Pam spray. Then place the 4 bread slices on the cooking sheet.
  4. Pour this mixture on top of the bread.
  5. Let sit for about 5 minutes so that the bread will soak up the mixture.
  6. After 5 minutes if there is any mixture still pooled in the cooking pan, get a spoon and put it on the bread. You really don't want the egg mixture pooling on the pan...you want the bread to soak it all up. (The more it soaks it up the fluffier the bread will become)
  7. Put the cooking sheet in oven and bake for 15 minutes.
  8. After 15 minutes flip the bread.
  9. If you have cinnamon and/or almonds (or pecans), sprinkle them on the bread now.
  10. Put back in oven and cook for another 10 minutes.
  11. After 10 minutes take out of oven. Pour some warm maple syrup on top, sprinkle powdered sugar on top (if you have some).
  12. Eat and enjoy!
If you're wondering, the original recipe called for 1 teaspoon of almond extract, 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract, and 1 tablespoon of sugar. V and I found that made this waaaay too sweet. So I cut out the almond extract and the sugar, and I changed the vanilla extract to 1 full teaspoon. I also added the cinnamon. And the original recipe calls for you to put the nuts on at the very end. But I like putting the nuts and the cinnamon on when you still have 10 minutes left to cook. It just makes it smell so good when you get it out of the oven!

Also, we ate this this morning, and Vanessa said this was the best one I've done so far. The only 2 things I can think I did differently were 1) the bread I used. It's some new bread Vanessa bought. It was Prepridge Farm Oatmeal bread. This bread soaked up the egg mixture really well. 2) I was working out while the bread was in the oven. So after it cooked for the 10 minutes, Vanessa was still asleep and I was working out, so I turned the oven to warm and it stayed in there for another 15 or 20 minutes.

Anyways, not sure if those 2 things were what made the difference, but V said that was the best it's ever been.

Here's a pic I took of it...